ODE TO PEACE  -《和平颂》



China Nanjing Performing Arts Group

7:30pm, 18 Nov. 2007

Music Center at Strathmore

5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, MD


Program – (节目单) 




一.民乐合奏       (南京民族乐团)

     Chamber Music Performance   (By Nanjing Traditional Chinese Orchestra) 

1    《节日》- The Festival

2    《红楼梦主题随想曲》– Theme Music from “Dream of the Red Chamber”

3    《杨柳青青》  - The Tender Willows 



二.女声独唱  钱琳    (南京军区前线歌舞团著名歌手, 荣获第十一届中央电视台全国青年歌手大赛通俗唱法金奖第一名)

     Soprano Solo: Lin Qian   (First prize winner of the 11th National Youth Vocal           Performance Competition by Chinese Central TV)

1 《我是中国人》– I am a Chinese

2 《美丽的草原我的家》–Beautiful Grassland, My Home

3 《阿里山的姑娘》- The Girls of the Ali Mountain (Taiwan folk song) 



三.舞蹈  《绣》-江南风格      (南京军区前线歌舞团 陈琛等,全国大赛金奖)

 Southeast Chinese Traditional Group Dance: “Embroidery”  - By Chen Chen, at al, Gold prize winner of National Dance Competition) 





四.古筝独奏  任洁  (青年古筝演奏家,获中国音乐最高奖“金钟奖”,国家文华奖)

     伴奏: 民乐队

     Chinese Zither Solo: Jie Ren    (Winner of the National “Golden Bell” Prize)  -with Nanjing Traditional Chinese Orchestra 

 1.《望秦川》 – Overlook the Qin Landscape (Chinese northwest) 


五.音 舞 画:《花开时节》     南京民族乐团 + 前线歌舞团

    现代动感民乐+韵致舞蹈 + 时尚演唱

 Modern Traditional Music, Contemporary Vocal, and Rhythm Dance

The Blossom Season- Soprano Solo: Hong Zhu  



六.女声独唱  独唱 朱虹  (南京军区前线文工团著名女歌手,国家一级演员,荣获“亚洲音乐节演唱大赛第一名”)

     Soprano Solo: Hong Zhu (First prize winner of the “Asia Music Festival -Vocal    Performance Competition”, National First-Class Artist) 

1. 《芒花》 - Flemish Flower

2.  《青青世界》  - The Fresh World

3. 《橄榄树(台湾歌曲) - The Oliver Tree (Taiwan folk song) 



七.舞蹈  《溜溜的康定,溜溜的情》    (南京军区前线歌舞团,全国大赛一等奖)

     The Classical Tibetan Dance:  The Passions in Kangding City- By Na Su, at al, First Prize Winner in China National Dance Competition) 





---------------- 中场休息  Intermission --------------




Woodwind and Orchestra   (By Nanjing Traditional Chinese Orchestra) 


1.《帕米尔的春天》  (笛子独奏)

谢继群: 南京民族乐团国家一级演奏员,著名笛子演奏家,出访多国。

The Spring of the Pamier Heights   (Flute Solo)

   Flute –by Jiqun Xie, National First-Class Artist 


2.《闹花灯 (唢呐独奏) 

隋景宏: 前线歌舞团青年唢呐演奏家,多次参赛获高奖,出访多国。

Celebrating the Lantern Festival   (Suona Solo)

   Suona –by Jinghong Sui, National First-Class Artist 



九.双人舞   (南京军区前线歌舞团,全国大赛获奖者)

        - By Bo Han and Xin Song,   Winner of China National Dance Competition 



     Pas de Deux Pastoral–Traditional Folk Dance


十.男声独唱  吕继宏      (特邀嘉宾,海军政治部歌舞团著名男高音演唱家, 国家一级演员)

     Tenor SoloJihong ,   (Nationally Renowned Tenor, National First-Class Artist) 


1. 《国泰民安 - Prosperous Nation, Peaceful People

2. 《咱老百姓- Ordinary Citizens

3. 《怀念战友》- 电影《冰山上的来客》 - Miss the Comrade, Theme Song from the Movie“The Visitor from the Ice Mountain



十一. 胡琴联奏    

   演奏者:  杨积强   (南京军区前线歌舞团艺术指导,著名二胡演奏家,国家一级演员)

    伴奏: 民乐队

     Medley of Traditional Instruments Erhu, Zhonghu, Gaohu, and Banhu

        - By Jiqiang Yang,    (Artistic Director of Nanjing Performing Arts Group,  Renown Erhu Artist, National First-Class Artist) 


    1.《难忘的旋律》 - Unforgettable Melodies

      赞歌 (中胡), 掀起你的盖头来 (高胡), 茉莉花(二胡  绣金匾 (板胡)


2    《赛马》 (二胡)- Horse Racing -Erhu



十二. 舞蹈 《小城雨巷》    (南京军区前线歌舞团,中央电视台2007春节联欢晚会节目一等奖)

   Southeast Chinese Group Dance:  Rain in an Urban Small City      

   - By Qinxin Hu, at al,   (First prize winner of the 2007 CCTV National Spring Festival Performance) 



十三.女声独唱  殷秀梅    (特邀嘉宾,中国广播艺术团 著名国家一级演员)

       Soprano Solo: Xiumei Yin, (Nationally Renowned Soprano, National First-Class Artist) 

1 《我爱你,塞北的雪》 - I love youSnow from the Northeast

2 《在希望的田野上》 - In the Field of Great Expectation

3. 《中国好运》  - The Good Luck China 




十四. 终曲      《长江之歌》, 《和平之歌传万里》

              FINALE:  -The Song of the Yangtze River》,《The Song of Peace all over the World

       Solos:  Xiumei Yin, Jihong Lü, Hong Zhu, Ling Qian

                                                   ChorusChoir of the Chinese community in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

                                                   Orchestra: Washington Asian American Philharmonic


              独唱:殷秀梅,吕继宏, 朱虹, 钱琳







主 持: 于紫菲    (特邀嘉宾,中国人民解放军海政歌舞团著名女主持人,国家一级演员)

           侯 勇    (著名男影视演员,获中国电影“华表奖”评选“最佳男演员奖”)

M.C. - Ms. Zifei ,   (Nationally Renowned M.C., National First-Class Artist)

Mr. Tong Hou,  (Nationally Renowned Movie Star, Recipient of the Best Actor of Chinese Movie)